Grampy's Crampys

Holistic Topical "Shake n Spray On" Leg Cramp Relief.

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Need Quick Relief from Calf, Inner Thigh Cramps, Toe Cramps, hand, butt, neck, or any muscle Cramp Relief when they strike?

Want to stop muscle cramps in seconds or usually under a minute? Are you tired of jumping out of bed and struggling to walk off a foot, calf, or thigh cramp in the middle of the night?

No one likes the taste or inconvenience of old wives’ remedies like mustard, garlic, or pickle juice, or the sticky foamy chemicals of those other brands. Keep a bottle of GrampysCrampys by the bedside at night or, in the vehicle (Pull over first), or keep another bottle in your gym bag.

Instead of suffering from leg cramps, why not simply spray the muscle cramp area with the naturally sourced trace minerals and electrolytes of GrampysCrampys for soothing relief FAST?


Maybe the BEST NEWS is that, if you or a family member are suffering on a regular basis, why not try a few squirts of GrampysCrampys before bed  as a preventative maintenance?

Why get muscle cramps in the first place when you know they are on the way?

If you do not need muscle cramp relief, you may know a friend or family member who does.

It makes a unique gift that can be life-changing for someone waking at night with muscle cramps.

Grampys Crampys

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Each 400(+) squirt Bottle Typically Lasts such that most reorder after 6 Months or a year

Try starting with 3–7 squirts directly on your 

Foot, Leg, Neck, Back, or Hand muscle cramps. 

GrampysCrampys DOES NOT help “RLS” (Restless Leg Syndrome). We wish it helped everything, but RLS is not a painful muscle cramp.

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EXTERNAL USE ONLY. Not for face or personal lubricant. Rinse with clean water if stinging occurs. Risk FREE. Over 400 Sprays Only $18   If you, yourself, do not need muscle cramp relief you may wish to gift a friend or family member who does. It makes a unique gift that can be life changing for someone waking at night with muscle cramps.
Eagle Spirit Health makes no medical claims. Information is for educational purposes only.  Consult your Medical Doctor if you are or may be pregnant. 
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